
Monday, May 27, 2013

Verona Finale

We all woke up pretty tired this morning and we had an early train. In order to get to the train we had to take the water bus but it took an hour for the water bus to take us to the train station from Lido. We had to leave earlier than they served breakfast at the hotel and then by the time we were at the train station we only had 10 minutes so we had to skip breakfast. When we got to Verona we were all a little hunger crazed and then we had to figure out how to get the hotel. When we got to the station we had to go down the stairs and I was walking my suitcase down the stairs and all of the sudden I was on my butt. Showed me how tired I really was hahaha. We got on the atv bus that only cost 2 euros and then we had to walk to the hotel using Anne's Google Maps again. I don't know where we'd be without that thing! Then we had to take a taxi into Verona because our hotel is outside of it. It's a really nice hotel and the staff are really nice. We've been trying to use some Italian too. Mark got in trouble today though because he spoke Italian at a gelato shop and then the waitress started rattling on in Italian and he was like, "uhhh, not sure what you're saying." But it's fun.

We all got our own pizzas for lunch because we were starved. We got pizza with cheese and prosciutto on it which is ham that they just laid on top of it. It was so good and we looked at some other people eating pizza and got confirmation that we could cut it and then eat it with our hands. Mark had another three gelatos today but I just got hazelnut and it was divine!

Casa di Giulietta was awesome. We happened upon it while Mark was navigating us. First there were walls of signatures and drawings and we wrote our names. Then we saw the balcony and the quote from the play was on the wall. Anne and I signed a lock and locked it on the gates on the back wall. Shakespeare's just awesome :).

We just chilled most of the day and hung out in Piazza Bra chatting. It was really lovely outside and there were less pigeons in Verona than Venice.

Dinner was a little funny. I ordered ravioli and got back some noodle dish with mushrooms but I didn't realize it was lost in translation until it was too late. It was a "stupid American" moment haha. But I got tiramisu and all was ok :)

Our little pre-trip is coming to an end and it has been such a blast. Mark and Anne have become my European brother and sister :) love you guys! We head to our study abroad in Rome tomorrow!


Juliet's Balcony

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