But we had very safe and efficient travels on all three flights. We had very little time in between each flight so we didn't have to wait around. Customs into Dusseldorf were also a breeze! Then when we arrived in Munich we had to navigate the subway system (aka the U-bahn). Fortunately we had printed out directions and were able to use some gut instinct to interpret the German signs and we made it to our hotel without any wrong trains or turns! By the time we got checked into our hotel we all hit a wall. Nobody wanted to move or do anything but we had to get out of the room and go explore! So we grabbed some cappuccinos, and hit the tramway and subway to get back to Munich and when we finally reached the surface again we looked upon amazing architecture...
Anne walking the narrow streets.
Lots of German musicians were playing in the city.
The tramway that runs by our hotel
Scooters and beer...enough said.
I love how the buildings curve with the streets!
Mark enjoying the view of part of the city of Munich
We had a little trouble getting something to eat later in the day when we realized we didn't know how to read the German menus. Lots of restaurants were surprisingly full on a Sunday at 4 pm. We did find a small restaurant that had English translations in the menus and we tried to be really polite to the waitstaff because they didn't seem too excited to serve some young Americans. However, they were very nice and I got to eat a pretzel with real honey mustard and German sausage. I thought it was interesting that this item was listed under "Brunch" in the menu but the waiter said we could order it even though it was the afternoon.
We started our trip on a good note and wide-eyed at all the beauty. I can't wait to wake up to more experiences every day the next 7 weeks!
try the Jaegerschnitzel if you like mushrooms; and Spaetzle is kind of like mac-n-cheese, with onions :)